Monday, April 03, 2006

CD 4

Well today I had my ultrasound... I have three big follicles on my right ovary. I consulted with one of the nurses and she told me she'd call me back after lunch with my lab results and what the doctor wanted to do.

Around 2PM I get a phone call saying that I will not be going on Clomid this cycle... I need a rest for my follicles. I need a rest cycle for my sanity. I need a rest cycle for my marriage. While I am a bit upset about us not doing this cycle, I am happy I am having a long needed break!

It'd be so nice to have sex with my husband not thinking about catching that egg or I need to be in the missionary position to maximize my chances of getting pregnant. Maybe with me doing the "relaxing" thing like everyone tells me and taking it a moment at a time could be helpful to my mind, body and soul. To be a normal married couple... ahhh, what would that be like?? I will tell you in 30 days!

In the meantime, for this month, I will post about whatever comes to mind.