Tuesday, February 28, 2006

CD30 16dpiui

I am just as confused why we are having such a hard time the second go around... Heck we have been together 9 years used birth control, never and I only have 1 kid to show for it! Kinda scary if you think about it. I cried this morning before going to work because I feel like my body is failing me... failing us and my family. I just don't want to give up hope to having a larger family. To give my husband another child to be a mom of more than one... To give my daughter a sibling... My clock is still ticking and I don't want to lose hope, but after doing this so long I can only hold out so much...

Well today I went to the doctor and he asked how things were going "down", referring to my temperature. My doctor is perplexed as to why we aren't getting pregnant and to be quite honest I was going to ask him what is going on and where I can go.. He suggested that I see an infertility specialist FAR away from my house... I considered seeing this woman like a year ago, but felt like I was betraying him so I cancelled... This clinic is supposedly the best in Cleveland, which is promising, but I know that we can't afford IVF unless I sell a kidney... If you know anyone who wants one... I have a spare! If only we could afford the first one they have this program...

I told the doctor that I know my period is coming and I don't want to take the Progesterone Suppositories anymore... He said to stop and let my period come along... Ugh why does this need to be so hard??

These are the two doctors that I will be seeing...

And here's their write up about PCOS...


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