Friday, March 31, 2006


I'm destin,
And what I'm destin for is still beyond me.
Maybe together we will find out?!
A blog huh? So I guess ill give it a go.

I'm a 24 year old female who like the others here, was asked to join by my dearest friend twoweek.
My story is long I'll spare as many details as I can.
As I said I'm 24. I am happily married to my high school sweetie and am about to celebrate our 6th anniversary.
My husband and I have battled with Infertility since before our marriage in 2000 . We have fought hard and long as sooooo many of the others out here. I will share this in depth too- in time.

I have PCOS - I'm sure your well aware of the condition by now and if not I suggest googling it! there's a lot out there to be read.
I'm not here to talk about the Symptoms or the like I'm here to share my story. And my story only. I think we will find my story however, is a lot like yours!

I was diagnosed at the young age of 12. I had been menstrating since 10 - and never had a normal flow, or cycle. They said this was normal and wrote it off for a long while.
On my 12th birthday I was rushed from school to the ER by my mother and there it was in black and white on the ultrasound screen ... The horrible news no one wants to hear.
I had 4 large cyst burst that day and my ovaries were in danger. I had pco!
now at 12 you don't care- good I don't want a period anyways I thought.
Ha- had I known had I known!!

Looking back its been a helatious ride and I will take you down my road as time goes on here.
Its a road that's becoming more traveled by many women and its a sad thing to see.
Its hard, its cold its often scarey and not understood and definitely not well marked.

Get in and ride with me as I take you on my journey.
Ill share, with you, my curves the dead ends and the many hidden sights along the way!
( look out twoweek - you asked the wrong person ;) ) .

Till next trip...
