Tuesday, April 04, 2006

"Mommy I want to be a big sister"

Some of you readers may be a little confused as to why I am trying so hard to have a second child... What's "wrong" with my first child you may ask? The answer is nothing. My daughter is the most amazing being... She makes me laugh smile countless times a day and I love her and I love everything about her. Until we started having fertility problems, admittedly I took advantage of the fact that I could bear children. I thought I could "spit" them out like it was my job. I took her for granted and that has been one of the biggest lessons learned as a parent. Enjoy and appreciate your children.

I am so diligent because I would love to have a larger family. I want my daughter to have a sibling(s). She asks me daily for a brother and/or a sister. It goes right through me because I just can't explain to her why she isn't blessed with more family.

There will be a day when I do give up as I can't keep going on like this. It is very difficult and very expensive and funds are depleting just as fast as we are saving them up.

It's just not like me to give up without a difficult fight... So until I am to my breaking point... We just try, try again...


Blogger DeniseZ said...

I am SO with you on that front. My son was upset with me just the other day when I said I couldn't play with him because I was doing the dishes... he blurted out "and you only have one child!!" I half laughed, but half wanted to cry. Poor thing.. like you, I wish I could explain how hard we're trying to give him that little brother or sister that he wants. I always get comments like "you should be happy that you have one"... and I am!! It's just so tough so see them all alone sometimes. He is such a people person.. he thirves on company... I'm just dying to give him a bigger family to grow up with. .... Hoping for the best for both of us. (((hugs)))

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